
To learn about the industry solutions Kao Chemicals Europe offers, read our publications, reference material and news. Here you will find our sustainable growth contributions to industry and society.

Personal Care A new effective, sustainable conditioning system (NCS) march, 2020 - NCP - A. Jordà, N. Marimon, C.Pey

The new market trends have led Kao Chemicals Europe to develop a New Conditioning System (NCS) - with 100% active ingredients as readyto-use white pearls - that shows an optimum cost-effectiveness ratio, as well as excellent ecotoxicological properties which allow that it is not classified according to the CLP system and not to be subject to storage restrictions.

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Fertilizers Breaking the caking habit march, 2020 - World Fertilizer - Ivan Gilgado

The chemical industry has been attempting to introduce measures and products that lessen its impact on human health and the environment. This has been mirrored by efforts from European authorities to minimise the release of microplastics in all aspects of chemical production and consumption.

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Construction Mighty 21 PR - for extended workability december, 2019 - Mighty 21 PR - for extended workability
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Asphalts Cómo reducir la rigidez y fragilidad del asfalto debida a la oxidación del mismo november, 2019 - CILA - Congreso Ibero Latinoamericano del Asfalto - México - Á. Gutiérrez

Aditivos para mejorar la rigidez y la fragilidad de los asfaltos, específicamente el AC-20. Los resultados se han verificado mediante ensayos estándares como la medida del módulo de corte complejo, el punto de transición "SOL-GEL", el grado PG y la medida del rango visco-elástico

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